Monday, November 19, 2018

Schoolhouse Turn Returns to Sorta Normal

Thursday, last, the three mares came home. Nell and Faye for the first time. Faye is in the annex for now, being on the bottom of the hierarchy and having dental problems, this is best. She can see Pepper and Nell all the time.

Wednesday was the equine dentist for Pepper and Faye. Amy Scripps has seen Pepper before, but it was her first time seeing Faye. Faye has some major problems that may have been caused by an injury as a filly. I had been feeling guilty about taking her from her lifetime herd and vast pasture, but discovery that her dental issues made grazing difficult and would have made grazing impossible, probably within a year, puts my mind at ease. Amy says she has years of eating hay left, and we devised a way of using slow feed nets in a way that she can use them.

We are in a holding pattern for now because air quality is so bad. The Camp Fire, now 60% contained, is 200 miles away, but we are getting a lot of smoke. After last year, and then this year, it is apparent that California will be getting nastier fires from now until forever. We have to do even more to reduce the fuel load of surrounding area. So I have two goats.... and possibly kids due in March '19, we will have 2-4 goats for grass and brush control on slope that is too steep to do by human.

In the meantime: Ready for evac in minutes beginning in May (still green then) until the first major rain.

Now for the pictures:

Nell, Pepper rolling

Pepper and Nell


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